Easily convert your DRM protected and any non-protected music and movie files to MP3, M4A (iPod), WMA or WAV (audio) and MP4, AVI (DivX) or WMV (video) at high speed and CD quality - legally.

Affiliate Program - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are program updates free?

Dear Customers! In order to provide you with better quality software experience we now offer paid major updates. This kind of paid major updates concerns new developments, added features that improve/change functionality of the program. Please note that minor program updates are still available for free of charge.

How to distinguish a paid major update from a free minor update? A major program update has a unique first number in the program version numbers assigned, e.g. SoundTaxi 3.4.8 differs from SoundTaxi 4.4.8, because the latter program version is a major update. A minor update version can be recognized by two numbers that follow the first number in the version name, e.g. SoundTaxi 4.4.8 and SoundTaxi 4.4.9 are minor updates, which are available for free to all customers.

2. Is it free to join SoundTaxi Affiliate Program?
Yes. It's completely free to join and participate in our affiliate proram.
3. How can I sign up?
Please click here to sign up to SoundTaxi Affiliate Program in RegNow.
4. How do I get money from sales and control transactions?
You can do this through your RegNow control panel when signed up as an Affiliate: https://admin.regnow.com/app/signup/affiliate
5. Can I sell SoundTaxi products on Ebay, Amazon or other auction websites?
No, it's not allowed.
6. Do you offer any discount promotions to Affiliates?
Definitely yes! We regularly inform all our Affiliates about current discount promotions in the newsletter sent through RegNow system. If you want to use any discount promotion announced or would like to negotiate about an exclusive discount for your website please contact us: affiliates@soundtaxi.info
7. Is it possible to simplify generation of my custom links for download and purchase?
Yes, you can do this easily using our Link Generator (under construction, meanwhile please visit Links)
8. What is the duration of Affiliate cookies?
RegNow Affiliate cookies can be stored on a customer's PC up to a year. So if a customer makes a purchase of our product within this period you get guaranteed commission
9. Can I use SoundTaxi product descriptions, screenshots, product boxes, pad files and links for marketing?
Yes, you can. But please make sure you don't use SoundTaxi brand names in Google Adwords campaigns and your SEO efforts. Such a practice is not allowed, and in that case your affiliation will be canceled immediately
10. Can I have a custom build version of SoundTaxi on my website? What about a banner?
Yes, please contact us to get both: affiliates@soundtaxi.info
11. What are other restrictions of SoundTaxi Affiliate Policy I need to know about?

1) Do not use SoundTaxi and its products brand names as keywords in your domain name, Google Adwords campaigns and SEO efforts. Example: soundtaxi.info, soundtaxi.org, soundtaxi official, soundtaxi media converter etc.

2) You are not allowed to re-submit SoundTaxi products to other websites and change product names

Your question is not on the list? Please contact us: affiliates@soundtaxi.info

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